On a more serious note: every year, in December, Mansaku no Hana releases a very stylish Sake set including a 180ml bottle of Daiginjo sake and one cute little blue cup. The whole set sells for about ¥1,000 and makes a really good stocking stuffer. At the time, I bought a bottle with the intentions of drinking it as soon as possible. One thing led to another, and we arrived at about a night or two ago when, after 6 months of sitting unopened in my refrigerator, I finally got around to opening it. Now it is not generally recommended to age your own sake, (although I think it is a blast, and highly recommend experimenting with it) as not all sake ages well and you run the risk of turning a perfectly good bottle of sake into something you may or may not want to drink.
I had a six month aged bottle of Mansaku no Hana, so I drank it, and the drinking was good.
Mansaku no Hana / まんさくの花
Daiginjo / 大吟醸
Alcohol: 15~16% / Polish: 50%
SMV: No data
Hi no Maru Jouzo / Akita Prefecture
Tasting notes:
On the nose: Very very light, little bit of a honey smell coming from the half year aging in my fridge. Very little nose for a Daiginjo, most likely diminished by the aging.
On the palate: Little bit on the sweet side, but very well rounded out by the sturdy acid structure. Really round mouth feel with a slight hint of vanilla. Finish was crisp and pleasant.
Other notes:
- The SMV data on this was thrown out several months ago, but my guess would be somewhere around a +3~4.
- I unfortunately didn't get a chance to taste a fresh bottle of this sake, as it would be a lot of fun to compare the two.
- Mansaku no Hana has a full line up of a lot of good sake, so look forward to more posts!
Meishu no Yutaka staff