Thursday, July 2, 2009

A little bit of Born Special!

This is the first post I have done on a Born Sake, but the lack of posts does not translate into a lack of love for the brew. About a week or so ago, we received a shipment of Born's 180ml Nama-Genshu. This isn't something we get all the time, although we carry the 720ml and 1800ml, so I was a bit excited. In all of my excitement, I ran over and grabbed a bottle for myself, and drank it that night. In one word: Delicious!
Born / 梵
Naka-dori Junmai Daiginjo Muroka Nama Genshu
Alcohol: 17~18% / Polish: 50%
SMV: +4
Brewery: Katou Kichibee Shouten / Fukui Prefecture
Tasting notes:
On the nose: Sweet, very fruity, HUGE NOSE, with lots of melon and Koji rice.
On the palate: Full bodied, lots of rice and Koji rice up front, with hints of melon. Good subtle finish, with a slight bite from the high alcohol content.
Other notes:
  • Katou Kichibee Shouten has been around for a long time, and thus has established itself as one of the most famous breweries in Japan. They also make really good sake.
  • Born's president, Mr. Katou himself, is the only person I have ever seen who looks exactly like his cartoon caricature.
  • (Image taken From Born's Website
  • This sake comes in three sizes: 180ml, 720ml, and 1800ml.
  • This is a genshu, so be careful of the high alcohol content.
  • This is a Nama Sake (unpasteurized sake) so keep it in the fridge.
  • Born is really famous, although due to it's fame, I think it doesn't really gets all the respect it deserves. Under the Born label you will find just about any class of sake you want, most very good warmed or chilled.
I apologize for the delay in postings. The store's news paper / flier will be released in the middle of this month, so we were going like crazy to get it done (finally finished it today! (^_^)V) You can find it on our website Here around the 15th.
On another note, I will be heading over to the United States (San Francisco bay area) from the 9th to the 21st of July!
We (myself and Staff Rie) will be stopping in to visit our friends over at True Sake as well as Yoshi's in San Francisco, not to mention the obligatory Napa wine tasting!
I will continue to update this blog while I am in the States.
Drop me an email @ if you are in the area and want to talk SAKE!
That's it for this time!
'Till next...
Meishu no Yutaka staff

1 comment:

  1. Hi Carlin and Rie!
    Born Muroka Nama Genshu is a personal favorite of mine! I love this stuff. Fun to see that they have a single serving size, too! I love it.

    I met Mr. Katou several times here in New York City. He is such a friendly guy!

    Hope you are well and Kanpai!
